Bring out your inner “Yiddishe Mama” with our new Yinglish (Yiddish/English) phrase bracelets. Choose the word or phrase of your choice from our variety of well known and best loved Yiddish words and phrases (see meanings of words listed below) that really hit the nail on the head, together with the alphabet bead colour and 4mm Czech glass bead colour from the choice above. Each bracelet is handmade on strong elastic cord, decorated with turquoise glass evil eye beads on either side of the alphabet beads, and secured with a plated logo tag finish.
Yinglish Yiddish Phrase Meanings
- Bubala – Term of endearment meaning honey, sweetie, darling.
- Chutzpah – To be daring and have nerve, guts & audacity.
- Kineahora – A magical expression to ward off the ‘Evil Eye’. A combination of the Yiddish word ‘Kein’ meaning No, ‘Ayin’ - which is Hebrew for Eye, and ‘Ha-Ra’, Hebrew for Evil.
- Klutz - Literally means “a block of wood” - often used for a clumsy or awkward person.
- Kvel – To glow with pride
- Kvetch – To whine, gripe or complain.
- Macher – A high achiever. Someone who arranges fixes and has connections.
- Mensch – An honourable, decent or authentic person. Someone who helps you when you need
- Meshuga – Nonsense, silliness or craziness.
- Nudnik – A boring or annoying person. A pain in the neck.
- Oy Vey – An exclamation of dismay or exasperation.
- Schmoozer – one who makes friendly small talk to impress someone.
- Schnorrer – A freeloader or moocher.
- Shpilkes – Needles – i.e. Having ants in your pants.
- Tfu Tfu Tfu - Knock on Wood
- Yenta – A big mouthed gossip or busybody.