Antique Victorian _ÌÔÌäMizpah_ÌÔ? silver pin brooch. The brooch is adorned with the name 'MARY' with delicate etchings. The piece is hallmarked with a lion, anchor and the letter 'a', along side the makers mark 'W' 'L'. The hallmarks describe the history of the piece, the brooch was handmade from 925 sterling silver in Birmingham in 1875.
The piece is in excellent condition and measures 4.0cm / 01.5" in length and 1.5cm / 0.5" in height.
Mizpah jewellery was incredibly popular, the word is a biblical source: Genesis, chapter 31, verse 49, where is reads 'And Mizpah, for he said the Lord watch between me and three when we are absent from one another'. Mizpah literally meant a watchtowers.